Skincare Professional Hannah Horne HLH Beauty shares her client Amelia's skincare journey with you...
Meet Amelia

My problem skin took over my life!
It was red, inflamed, with underlying bumps and very sore spots.
I spent hours researching my next skincare purchase. Ones that promised me clear, spot free skin. Following recommendations from social media influencers, friends & colleagues. People I thought had the same skin problem as me.
With each new product I was hoping - this is it! This one’s going to work for me. To be disappointed when I immediately reacted to the harsh ingredients. The less harsh gained a coveted place in my bathroom but a month later. No results. They too were binned for another new purchase.
Little did I know, I was treating my skin for the exact opposite to what it needed. I was treating my skin as an oily skin. I used oil correcting products, in the hope that the spot busting promises would work for me too.
I was introduced to Hannah at HLH Beauty by a friend who was already a client at the salon. I was desperate for help.
Meet Hannah
I have been a skincare professional for 8 years, I opened my own salon 3 years ago in St Ives, Cambridgeshire.
During my skincare career I worked with some of the biggest brand names in the industry. I came across Katherine Daniels during research for my business. I love their ethos. Designed for the Professional Industry. Providing salon facial treatments, and salon strength products for my clients to use at home. Their advanced skincare training is excellent, meaning we can advance our knowledge with the brand. But it was the results that made me realise this was the right brand for me and my clients.
Guessing which products, you need is false economy
Amelia’s skin is typical of someone who over time mistreats their skin. Self-skin analysis is tricky, often the analysis is wrong. Its better left to the professionals. By guessing your skin type, you’re guessing which products to buy. Amelia’s skin problem was a prime example of this.
Harsh, oil stripping products were destroying her natural skin barrier. Her skin was left unprotected and vulnerable, healthy oil & moisture escaping her skin leaving it dry & dehydrated. This overtime led to sensitivity. Her skin congestion was from toxins trapped in dehydrated cells.
Congestion leads to spots
And in Amelia’s case. The spots led her to buy products, harsher than the ones before.
Its an easy fix if you know how!
During our consultation appointment I prescribed a simple homecare regime. Her skin was so sore, red, sensitive, and inflamed. We needed to take everything back to basics.
To ensure her skin was cleansed I recommended the Miracle Cleansing Jelly, Rehydrating Concentrate to rehydrate her parched skin. To treat the dryness and sensitivity, the Sensitive Skin Rich Cream.
Now, we scheduled Amelia’s 1st facial treatment for a few weeks later.
A country in Lockdown
Before Amelia's facial appointment, I had to close my salon.
It was up to Amelia to take control of her new regime and her skin, but this time using products that would give her the results she longed for.
Without the Professional treatments it was going to take longer to achieve her goal of clear & healthy skin - but let’s face it lockdown gave us time.
Let's hear from Amelia...
I spent a fortune over the years on the wrong products for my skin
At 18 years old my skin became problematic, and even worse at 24. I suffered this for another 2 years until I met Hannah.
I had used so many products from so many brands, nothing had ever made a marked difference. When nothing happened, I gave them up and moved onto the next. I have spent a fortune over the years on the wrong products for my skin.
Why did Katherine Daniels stand a chance?
I’d never met a skincare professional before. Someone who took the time to understand my skin problems. Someone with a real understanding of how to achieve the results I wanted.
Hannah took the time to look, listen and understand my needs. She is knowledgeable and filled me with confidence. I realised at my first appointment, that I had been creating my own problem skin. Now I had the feeling, this time it would be different. She explained that my skin may get worse before it gets better, as its often part of the healing process.
Week by week my skin changed
The improvement was marked. After a month, I could see my skin changing. After 2 months, more improvement. Still in lockdown, Hannah was on hand with a virtual meeting.
We introduced new products as part of the 2nd phase of my skincare journey.
We swapped my Miracle Cleansing Jelly for the Essential Cleansing Milk & Essential Toning Lotion. We had established a good cleansing routine, but a double cleanse and tone is the very best way to cleanse my skin.
The dual textured cleansing milk gives the deepest, detoxifying cleanse but in a very gentle way. The Essential Toning Lotion would hydrate, soothe, and balance my skin its perfect pH.
We introduced the Essential Exfoliating Gel. To ensure the dead cells are not allowing bacteria to develop in my hair follicles, increasing the likelihood of spots developing.
Propelling the results
Fast forward another month. More improvements. I was getting excited, my skin was changing with each passing week.
Amelia’s skin looked incredible. The changes were there to see.
As the spots went, they didn’t return. But the damage was seen in the form of scar tissue. We introduced the Total Skin Repair Concentrate, this product kick starts the production of collagen & elastin. As well as other essential skin proteins. We need these to heal & repair the skin. Its also a great product to take the redness out of the skin. In Amelia’s case the redness out of the scars. Amelia was sticking to the simple 3 step skincare prescription twice a day.
The 1st Oh My Gosh picture!
After 7 months. The WOW moment happened! Here it is…
Results without Professional Facial Treatments
Amelia knew the results would take longer. Without the support of the Professional facial treatments. I’m so proud of her. She achieved her dream skin during lockdown.
With the correct skin analysis, and correctly using the right products consistently. Results can be achieved. I am a skincare Professional and I can help my clients achieve their dream of better skin for life. I don’t just help my clients who have problem skin. I can help them to fabulous skin for their age.
I used to cry over my skin. Now I get compliments
"I’ve never worn makeup. My skin was on show for everyone to see. The confidence that my skincare journey has brought me is lifechanging. It’s especially important now as I start interviewing for a new job role."
"I urge anyone to seek a skincare professional to get the best advice. I lived with my problem skin for 8 years. Before achieving my dream complexion. Its thanks to Hannah & Katherine Daniels."
We have an ‘army of skincare experts’ across the country. You can find a Katherine Daniels salon here.
If there isn’t one close to you, you can visit our Virtual Skin Bar. Our Co-Founder Donna Tait will share her 40 years of expert skincare knowledge and help you find the right products for your skin. All you need is 20 minutes, a computer, phone, or tablet. Book your appointment here.